Wednesday, May 29, 2013

bukti android laris dijogja

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM - Soal menumbuhkan minat konsumtivisme, Apple adalah ahlinya. Produsen gadget yang bermarkas id Cupertino ini berhasil membuat konsumen rela merogoh kocek dalam-dalam untuk membeli produk seperti iPhone 5.

Tapi ternyata, seperti dilansir oleh Bloomberg Businessweek, smartphone Apple yang sedang "hot" justru bukan iPhone 5, melainkan model-model lawas seperti iPhone 4 dan 4S second hand alias bekas pakai.

Bisnis jual beli  perangkat iPhone bekas dilaporkan mengalami booming di pasar negara-negara berkembang yang sensitif terhadap harga.

Saking besarnya volume penjualan iPhone bekas, sejumlah retailer seluler di Amerika Serikat kini berlomba-lomba menawarkan trade-in iPhone lama untuk konsumen di negeri Paman Sam.

T-Mobile, misalnya, membuka program tukar tambah iPhone 4 dan 4S dengan iPhone 5 senilai harga perangkat ketika dibeli, sementara AT&T memberi harga 200 dollar AS untuk satu unit iPhone 4S atau sama dengan harga iPhone 5 versi 16 GB (dengan kontrak).

iPhone bekas yang didapat lalu dipoles oleh kontraktor semacam ERecyclingCorps dan Brightstar untuk menghilangkan cacat fisik dan menghapus data. Setelah itu barulah iPhone bekas disalurkan ke distributor-distributor untuk dijual kembali, biasanya di wilayah Asia.

Saat ini hanya 15 persen pengguna ponsel yang menjual ponsel lama sebelum membeli model baru. Tapi angka tersebut diperkirakan bakal bertambah seiring dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna yang menyadari keuntungan dari menjual ponsel lawas.

Israel Ganot, CEO perusahaan retailer Gazelle, salah satu pemain di bisnis jual beli iPhone bekas ini, mengatakan bahwa  nilai penjualan iPhone second-hand perusahaannya bakal meningkat dua kali lipat menjadi 100 juta dollar AS tahun 2013.

Gazelle mengkapalkan hampir setengah dari produk-produknya ke reseller tingkat regional yang bermarkas di Hong Kong, China.

"Keinginan konsumen di Amerika Serikat untuk mengikuti tren, bersama dengan pertumbuhan yang sangat tinggi di pasar-pasar negara berkembang telah menciptakan peluang yang luar biasa," ujar Ganot yang menawarkan harga beli 210 dollar AS untuk sebuah iPhone 4S 32GB melalui situs Gazelle. Smartphone tersebut biasanya dijual kembali seharga 450 dollar AS.

Pedang bermata dua

Apple sendiri selaku produsen iPhone selama ini menganggap bisnis jual-beli iPhone bekas sebagai batu sandungan karena menyaingi penjualan barang baru.

Meski begitu, tak ubahnya sebuah pedang bermata dua, booming iPhone bekas juga membantu Apple menghadapi dua masalah sekaligus, yaitu mengosongkan stok iPhone 5 di Amerika Serikat dan memberikan tawaran iPhone berharga terjangkau untuk konsumen di Asia, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika.

Tanpa iPhone bekas di wilayah-wilayah ini, Apple akan semakin sulit bersaing dengan smartphone Android yang kini sudah menguasai 59 persen pasar global, dibandingkan porsi Apple sebesar 19 persen.

"Ini ibaratnya win-win solution buat Apple. (iPhone bekas) Membantu melawan serbuan Android," ujar analis NPD Group Stephen Baker.

Apple juga dikabarkan tengah mempersiapkan sebuah iPhone versi murah yang dibuat dari bahan plastik demi melebarkan sayap ke segmen di luar "premium" yang ditempati produk iPhone selama ini.

"Apple belum punya produk kelas menengah. (iPhone versi murah) adalah cara untuk membuka ekosistem mereka untuk audiens yang lebih luas," jelas presiden grup trade-in Brightstar Bela Lainck.

Tapi Stephen Baker dari NPD berpendapat bahwa, dengan adanya booming penjualan iPhone bekas, hal tersebut sebenarnya tak perlu dilakukan.

"Mengapa repot-repot membuat sesuatu yang di bawah standar? Apple sudah punya iPhone versi low-end, namanya iPhone 4 dan 4S," tukas Baker. (*

ponsel android serbu jogjakarta

Ponsel Android? Apa itu, yah? Apa bedanya dengan Blackberry? Nah, ikuti cerita Nesi, yah! Android adalah sebuah sistem operasi pada telepon seluler yang pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Android.Inc.
Sistem ini dibeli oleh google dan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Linux Kernel, sistem operasi komputer.
Kehebatan Android dibandingkan telepon pintar lainnya adalah sistem operasi ini bisa terhubung langsung dengan google dan bersifat terbuka.
Artinya, semua pihak, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan, bisa bebas menggunakan sistem operasi tersebut untuk mengembangkan ponsel ini. Jadi, setiap orang yang bisa bahasa pemrograman komputer bisa mengembangkan ponsel tersebut.
Bagi para pengguna Android, kini telah disediakan portal Android Market. dengan demikian, para pengguna bisa mengunduh program-program baru lewat Program juga bisa diperolah secara gratis di portal software market di luar Android Market, yang memungkinkan ponsel-ponsel Android yang bebas, bisa menyediakan layanan instalasi berbagai program tambahan yang dibutuhkan.
Sudah banyak, lho, perusahaan yang mengeluarkan ponsel Android, diantaranya, HTC Hero, Motorola Milestone, Samsung Galaxy Spica, LGGW 620, Huawei U8230, dan Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. Nah, untuk bisa menikmati kecanggihan ponsel ini, diperlukan sambungan internet yang cepat.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Taman Pelangi

Taman Pelangi Presents Nightlife in YogyakartaTaman PelangiAdmissionWeekday (Monday-Thursday) Rp 10,000Weekend (Friday-Sunday) Rp 15,000Open: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.Address: Monument Jogja Back (Monjali)Ring Road North Road JogjakartaPhone: 085743365535Website: www.tamanpelangijogja.comEmail:

Family recreation park on the first night in Jogjakarta is a theme park Rainbow Garden Lantern, was officially opened last weekend. This idea was made because of the absence of a family recreation park at night in Jogjakarta. Not only children but also adults until their parents can visit and enjoy the facilities and vehicles that are here. Actually, this site has been around since 2007. But only the ordinary events and only briefly.Now be made permanent and a minimum of two years. Not only can enjoy the beauties of lanterns, but the park is provided Pujasera Pelangi, fishing, live music, and plans three to six months will bring in artists of the capital. There was also a bermacammacam arena game tickets priced from Rp 10,000-Rp 20,000. Games are not just for kids. There are about 20 games, 24 food booths, beverage booths. Later in the area there are food booths and multiproduk. Rainbow in the Park there are a variety of characters and size of the lantern.The greatest of lanterns into the gate, horse-drawn carriage, Jogjakarta monument, Borobudur and many more. The grand opening was held December 17, 2011, featured several attractions such as the fire dance which is directly imported from the island of Bali, Lion Dance, local bands, clowns and human statues attractions. Place somewhat strategically. Ie in Monument Jogja Back (Monjali). This idea arose from the idea of ​​the Great Riyadi, director of the Rainbow Garden.Enthusiastic visitors no less exciting with the Taman Pelangi, as lanterns with different characters and shapes that attract the visitors to take pictures, just enjoy the atmosphere of a romantic night or enjoying a dish of food at the food court at the arena and play exciting games. Other facilities such as bathrooms, praying,-Saung Saung to eat and rest, as well as the gazebo, gazebo and several train cars are styled mini attractive as a place to eat.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Gudeg - the Most Popular Culinary Jogja
If New York is often referred to as the "Big Apple" and Jakarta as the "Big Durian", then Jogja might be called "Big jackfruit" (= Jackfruit Giant) because culinary gudegnya are so popular. Delicious cuisine made from young jackfruit as a food must for anyone who was visiting the tourist paradise on the island of Java. Gori (young jackfruit) in such a way that gummy cleaned and then cooked in coconut milk with herbs and spices for hours. Once cooked, Gori be soft and slightly sweet. Warm sauce usually served with fried krecek (cowhide) spicy, pindang eggs, tofu and tempeh bacem, as well as chicken or chicken bacem opportunistic. As a final touch, a warm savory watered areh provide distinctive taste that is second to none. Yum-yum ...Dry warm, wet Gudeg, and Gudeg Manggar
Maybe for most people, warm is warm. However there are actually three different types of warm: warm moist, warm dry and warm Manggar. Wet warm coconut milk served with a savory nyemek and much sought after for breakfast menu. Warm this kind can be found along Jalan Kaliurang area Barek, Gudeg City Limits (Jl. front Adisucipto Saphir Square) or mbok warm-mbok sellers in traditional markets.
Warm dry cooked in a longer time until the sauce is dry and the color is more brownish. It was also much sweeter. Warm this type can hold up to 24 hours or even longer if put in the fridge so many people hunted as a souvenir. Sellers usually packaged in cardboard boxes, baskets (boxes of plaited bamboo) or kendil clay. Not to be confused where to find because most of the shop warm as Gudeg @ Yu-Narni (+62 274 867231; Jl. Theater Army Students 102), Yu Gudeg Djum (+62,274 515 968; Jl. Kaliurang Km 4.5 Coral tamarind CT III/22), Bu Gudeg Ahmad (+62,274 520 049; Jl. Ground km 4.5), Bu Gudeg Tjitro 1925 (+62,274 564 734; Jl. Janti 330), and sellers in the warm Wijilan sell souvenir special this.
In addition to warm the young jackfruit, Jogja also has a warm Manggar. Manggar aka coconut flower produces its own delicious sensation at this culinary offerings. The flowers seem to have a glimpse of crunchy while the stalks taste like oyster mushroom. Increasingly limited supply of these culinary Manggar causing increasingly difficult to find. Some sellers are forced to close shop and only serve orders only. Only a few places that still stand as some of the area in Bantul and Public Eating Mbok sideboards (+62 274 445697; Jl. Parangtritis km.7).Sentra Gudeg Wijilan and Barek
Warm can be found in almost every corner of the city of Yogyakarta. But the Wijilan and Barek is the most famous as a center warm. Wijilan complex located not far from the Sultan's Palace and is a 10 minute walk or to ride tricycles. Initiated by Bu Slamet start selling since 1946, has around 17 stalls lined up to meet the Jl. Wijilan. You can choose according to taste warm. Yu warm Djum (Jl. Wijilan 31) for example, presents a dry warm with a sweet taste typical cuisine of Jogja. Kreceknya small sliced ​​then cooked into a creamy sauce fried. If you want a warm that is not too sweet, you can come to Gudeg Bu Slamet (+62 274 380429; Jl. Wijilan 17). Average stall Wijilan warm in open from 5:30 am to 8 pm, except Gudeg Bu Tarto (Jl. Wijilan 15) which is open 24 hours.
If you happened to be in the north of Yogyakarta, try to come to Barek. Each morning, warm sellers lined the roadside in the northern region UGM. When the morning starts before and traders are packing up his wares, there is still a warm stall Ahmad Bu (+62 274 520049; Jl. Ground km 4.5) is famous by the artist and official, Yu Djum (+62,274 515 968; Jl. Kaliurang Km 4.5 Coral tamarind CT III/22), Yu Narni (+62,274 589 687; Jl. Ground km 4.5 Karangasem CT III/19), or Bu Tini, which is open until the evening. These shops also provide an opportunity for those who want to see the process of cooking warm.Early Days to Midnight
Yogyakarta is a city that never sleeps. One breath that kept him awake is warm. The salesman turns to hold merchandise from early morning until midnight. At dawn and the sun is not out of the horizon, and Barek Wijilan already begun to pick up warm with the activities of people hunting for their breakfast menu. The vendors in this warm center will continue to faithfully serve the customer up at 8 or 9 pm. You suddenly want to taste the delicacy warm in the middle of the night? Do not worry, Gudeg City Limits (Jl. front Adisucipto Saphir Square) which began to open at 10 pm ready to tempt your taste buds with a special warm feeling. Or you can try to enjoy the warm sensation directly in pawon (kitchen) Gudeg Pawon (Jl. Janturan Warungboto 36-38).

alun alun kidul

Bahasa Indonesia

Yogyakarta Square South, Looking for Love Peace and Blessings
You who have lived in Yogyakarta, certainly never forget the feel of the familiar in the South Square. In the middle of the night with a friend in college, you may have sat on mats are available in shops around while talking about the coursework to the younger class of idol. It may be that you also enjoyed the warmth of a drink while chatting with neighbors or co-workers during the whole village in Yogyakarta.
YogYES invites you to remember all the memory and another visit to Yogyakarta to greet your friends and feel more sense of the South Square. For those who have never been to Yogyakarta, this paper will introduce the warmth and intimacy that is often abbreviated by the name of this alkyd. You will know that the nuances of the South Square can be enjoyed by anyone without knowing the social status and become increasingly crowded as the night before.
South Square is an area behind the Sultan's Palace complex of buildings which can be reached by walking south from Center for Food Typical Gudeg Wijilan. Symbolized by an elephant that has a calm disposition, South Square is a counterweight to the North Square which has a noisy character. Therefore, the South Square is considered the place palereman (break) of the Gods. And obviously now become a place ngleremke ati (reassuring) for many people.
Five in the evening was the beginning of the South Square crowd. Tents were erected and traders began to food or beverages to be sold was prepared. So dark, you can begin enjoying the food and beverages. When you walk into one corner, you will find shops round, a beverage berkomposisi wedang ginger, peanuts, kolang kaling sphere of rice flour and sugar containing liquid is warm. The price is quite cheap, only about USD 2500.00.
Not far from the hawkers round, you'll find a seller wedang bajigur. Although still presenting ginger flavored drink, but the composition of the drink was still different. Bajigur wedang sauce made from coconut milk, ginger, coffee powder and sugar syrup. Usually, it is filled wedang slices of bread, sliced ​​coconut and boxes to and fro. Warmth can sweep a cold night and enliven the atmosphere of your gathering.
If hungry, you can also eat a variety of dishes. Bebakaran like corn on the cob, grilled bananas and toast is the right friends if you order wedang bajigur. Roasted corn sold here burned with butter and chili sauce until cooked but not burnt, while the grilled banana chocolate that will melt given if burned. Both are really able to indulge tongue. Toast is also available in a variety of flavors so as to arouse appetite.
Choice of side dish if you want to dine with rice is also available. Grilled chicken, grilled fish to a wide range of tempe available. Cooking may be normal, but if they can make the nuances of the plaza south as a cooking spice, it will be awesome. With the concept of Lesbian, general food stalls in the square was selling food at a price not expensive. You will be satisfied with just issuing USD 5000.00 only.
After indulging tongue, you can try the attractions named Masangin, the road passes between two banyan trees in the middle of the square with his eyes covered with black cloth. That said, if people can get through it and not oblique or hit then he will get infinite blessings. But, do not try to peek, because if you do you will go to another world. You will find the square in a state of quiet and hard to get back to reality lagi.Untuk try it, you simply hire a black cloth for USD 3000.00.
You can also chat with one of the tenants named Albertus Harjo black cloth that has been made square Suwito Square South as a place to earn a living for 30 years. He said the lease is not just a black cloth business but also a form of cultural preservation and public confidence in antiquity. Rituals through two banyan tree called Blessings is not superstitious relented, but a means to deliver the petition to the Lord. Granted or not depends on the power.
At certain times, you can see the puppet on Sasono Hinggil Dwi Abad. However, to view you will need to prepare because it is generally held all-night wayang. You can also see the preparation of the palace to celebrate the soldiers Grebeg (Maulud celebration commemorating the Prophet). On the square is all the soldiers assembled to carry out a rehearsal the day before the celebration and went to the plaza north on a day of celebration.
In addition to the evening, you can also visit this plaza, sure to see something different. You can see the royal elephant in the elephant enclosure during the day or see a football match children and adolescents around the square in the afternoon. On the edge of the square is also the time during the many merchants who sell Klithikan. You can hunt for antiques in it


Beringharjo, Complete Traditional Market in Yogyakarta
Beringharjo become a part of Malioboro a pity to miss. How not, this market has become a center of economic activity for hundreds of years and its existence has philosophical meaning. Market that has been renovated several times symbolizes stages of human life that is still struggling with economic needs. In addition, Beringharjo also one of the pillars of 'Chess Single' (consisting of the Palace, North Square, the Palace, and Beringharjo market) symbolizing economy functions.
Market Area Beringharjo originally a forest of banyan trees. Shortly after the founding of the Palace Ngayogyakarta, precisely in 1758, the area was used as a place of economic transactions by residents of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Hundreds of years later, in 1925, the transaction place has a permanent building. The name 'Beringharjo' itself is given by Hamengkubuwono IX, meaning that the banyan tree (Bering) are expected to provide welfare (Harjo). Now, tourists markets interpret this as a great shopping place.
The front and back of west market building is a great place to indulge tongue with snacks. In the northern front, can be found brem round with a softer texture than brem Madison and krasikan (a kind of lunkhead from rice flour, brown sugar, and crushed sesame seeds). To the south, can be found bakpia contents of green beans are usually sold still warm and moist like cake and hung kwe nagasari. While the rear is generally sell snacks such durable ting-ting made of caramel mixed nuts.
If you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place for batik collections complete. From batik fabrics and ready made garments, cotton and silk, and the price of tens of thousands to almost a million available in this market. Collection of batik fabrics found in the western part of the market stalls to the north. While the collection of batik clothing found in almost all western markets. In addition to batik clothes, western part of the market stalls also offer clothes surjan, blangkon, and weaving and batik sarongs. Sandals and bags are sold at bargain prices can be found in the western part of the escalator market.
Walk up to the second floor of the eastern market, do not be surprised if jejamuan smell. The place is the center of the base material sales and Javanese herbal spices. Herbal ingredients such as saffron sold is usually used to make sour turmeric and ginger are used to make the famously bitter herb. Spices are offered ginger (usually processed into drinks round or just baked, boiled and mixed with sugar) and wood (used to enrich the flavor of beverages such as wedang ginger, coffee, tea and is sometimes used instead of chocolate powder on cappuccino).
This market is also a great place to hunt for antiques. Antique sales centers located on the 3rd floor of the eastern markets. There, you can find an old typewriter, helmet made in the 60's whose front has a mica limited to the nose and so on. On the same floor, you can hunt for quality used items if you want. A wide range of imported used goods such as shoes, bags, even the clothes are sold at prices far cheaper than the original price is still good quality. Would need foresight in choosing.
Satisfied around on the inside of the market, it was time to explore the area around the market with a bid that is not less interesting. Market Lor area formerly known as Village Chinatown is the most famous. You can find oldies tapes from musicians in the 50s that are rarely found in other places with the most expensive price of Rp 50.000,00. In addition, there are also craft a metal statue of Buddha in various positions for Rp 250.000,00. For collectors of old money, this place also sells old money from various countries, even those that are used in their 30s.
If thirsty, drink ice cendol is typical Yogyakarta is an excellent choice. Ice cendol Yogyakarta has a richer flavor than ice cendol Banjarnegara and Bandung. It contained not only cendol, but also cam cau (a kind of jelly made from the leaf cam cau) and white cendol made from rice flour. Other beverages are available iced coconut with palm sugar syrup and herbs such as turmeric and rice kencur acid. Drink prices were not expensive, only about Rp. 1000 to Rp. Of 2000.
Although the official market closed at 17.00 pm, but the dynamics of the merchant does not stop at that. The front of the market still offers a wide range of typical snacks. Martabak with different contents, light brown mix legit months and beans, and sugar content klepon delicacies can be bought every afternoon. Around 18:00 am until after midnight, there is usually warm in front of the market sellers are also offering a variant kikil and stir-stir. While eating, you can listen to traditional music of Java that is playing or talking with a seller who usually greeted with the familiar. Is completed.


MalioboroDown the Road and Paradise Bouquet Souvenirs in the heart of Jogja City
The sun as thousands of people crowded along Jalan Malioboro. They do not just stand on the sidewalk but to run over the road. It was so loud and boisterous. Bubbling laughter, screaming car horns, the strains of gamelan tapes, to the cries of vendors selling food and children's toys blend into one. After waiting for hours, finally the awaited carnival troupe appeared. Soldiers initiated by Bregada Lombok Abang, royal carriage procession began to walk slowly. Flash of a camera flash and thunderous applause greeted when the bridal couple through. All crammed like menyakasikan pair GKR Bendara and KPH Yudhanegara continues waving his hand and cast a friendly smile.
That scene is seen as the party's youngest daughter carnival pawiwahan ageng X passing lane to the ward of Yogyakarta Palace Kepatihan. Thousands of people thronged to meet Malioboro Street that stretches from north to south. In Sanskrit, means the road malioboro wreath because in ancient times when the Sultan entered the event, a mile-long road will be filled with a bouquet of flowers. Although time passed and times have changed, Malioboro position as the main road and the site of the various carnival celebrations never change. Until now Malioboro, Vredeburg, and Zero Point is still the site of the carnival range from Jogja Java Carnival mat, Chinese Cultural Week, Yogyakarta Arts Festival, Carnival Malioboro, and many others.
Before it turns into a busy street, Malioboro is a lonely road with a tamarind tree growing on the right and left. This path is passed by people who want to Sultan or the Indische first complex in Yogyakarta as Loji Large (Vredeburg), Loji Minor (the area next to the Great House), Loji Kebon (Great House), and Loji Satan (Parliament Office). However, the existence of Pasar Gede or Beringharjo Market on the south side and the Chinese settlements in the area Ketandan gradually boost the economy in the region. Malioboro Chinese group made a business channel, so that the trade which originally centered in Chinatown Beringharjo and eventually extends to the north to Monument Station.
See Malioboro rapidly evolving into the pulse of trade and shopping center, a friend said that Malioboro is baby talk for "let's entire stock yok". You can buy at Malioboro the desired range of merchandise ranging from trinkets beautiful, unique souvenirs, batik classic, gold and jewels to household appliances. For fans of souvenirs, Malioboro be a fun hunting paradise. Walking on the shoulder of the road while offering a variety of goods sold by street vendors would be a special experience. Variety of locally made souvenirs like batik, rattan ornament, silver, bamboo handicrafts, leather puppets, blangkon, miniature traditional vehicles, accessories, to key chains can all be found easily. If a good bargain, these items can be taken home with a fairly cheap price.
In addition to trading centers, roads that are part of the imaginary axis connecting Parangtritis, Stage Krapyak, Kraton Yogyakarta, Monument, and Mount Merapi was once a hotbed of artists and stage performances led Umbu Landu Paranggi Malioboro. They are also the culture of sitting on the sidewalk Lesbian eventually popularized the entrenched and highly identical to Malioboro. Enjoy a romantic dinner in a stall lesehan street singers sang while listening to the song "Yogyakarta" Kelly's will be a very impression in the hearts.
Malioboro is a series of history, stories, and memories are intertwined in the minds of every person who ever menyambanginya. The charm of this road was never faded by time. Exotic Malioboro continue to glow until now and inspire many people, and forcing them to return to Yogyakarta. As the initial sentence is in the works of poetry Melodia Umbu Landu Paranggi "Love is what makes me feel at home once in a while to survive", memories and love of many people to Malioboro that makes these roads continue to survive until now.
Description: Carnival and the events that took place in Malioboro normally incidental to the execution time of uncertainty. But there are some activities that are regularly held every year as Jogja Java Carnival is always held every October, the Yogyakarta Arts Festival in June and July, and the Chinese Cultural Week held adjacent to the celebration of Chinese New Year (Lunar)