Saturday, April 21, 2012

Prawirotaman (Kampung Batik)

Prawirotaman, Kampung Batik and Lodging The GlobalPrawirotaman, an area located about five kilometers from the city center could be an alternative when a loss for the inn. The area was not only provides a unique and affordable accommodation, but also a series of artshop, cafes, bookstores, traditional markets, and a slate that would be an alternative tour as well.Prawirotaman as a village known since the 19th century, when a royal palace named Prawirotomo receive a prize piece of land from the palace. From the beginning, this village does not have a minor role for Yogyakarta. Pre-independence period, the village is a concentration of paramilitary fighters. Post-independence, ie in the 60's, this village is known as a center of printed batik industry which is managed by the descendants Prawirotomo. While since the 70's, along meredupnya batik industry, the descendants Prawirotomo swerved into lodging services and Prawirotaman was becoming known as a tourist village.Prawirotaman enter the area you are greeted with a hometown feel of the city, ranging from passing vehicles to greeting the people who usually speak English. A line of specialty with unique architectures, from Javanese classical to contemporary hotel located in the region. The facilities provided lodging was quite tempting at affordable prices, starting from Rp 50,000 - Rp 300,000. Although there have changed hands, most hotels are managed by descendants Prawirotomo, consists of three major families, namely Werdoyoprawiro, Suroprawiro, and Mangunprawiro.I Prawirotaman region or so-called Prawirotaman it is the most famous. In addition to lodging, in this region there are also other tourist facilities such as tour travel agents, cafes and kiosks, cafes and restaurants, to the bookshop. In cafes and restaurants are available, you can enjoy the many Javanese cuisine, Europe, and the combination of the two. Bookshop is available to provide good books with a cheaper price. Imported books that cost hundreds of thousands can be obtained by simply removing Rp 35,000 - Rp 60,000 only. Sometimes, there are foreign tourists who want to exchange the book collection.Some artshop also lined up to peddle trinkets unique art. There is a table made of bamboo, batik fabrics, wooden cabinets are made from glondongan to antiques like decorative lighting and old-old dagger. One of the antiquities that are in demand among foreign tourists is batik cap. Typically, the label used to decorate the table leaf, the wind-wind ventilation wooden house or simply as a collection because it is deemed to have artistic value of a motif that is very interesting detail and historical value is quite high. A German citizen had bought 1000 pieces stamped batik batik from a company that is now defunct.To the south of the area I was Prawirotaman II Prawirotaman directly adjacent to the traditional market place. Take a walk in the morning a traditional market is an attractive alternative tourism. In addition residents can watch the hustle and bustle of the shopping center, you can also taste typical Yogyakarta snacks are sold. When headed south again, you will meet with the Prawirotaman III is no less hectic. In Prawirotaman III, you'll find a lot more houses.Although the actual names of the two most southern part Prawirotaman is Prawirotaman Prawirotaman II and III, but the area is better known as Guerrilla Street. According to the story, the region is the headquarters of the Ghost Warrior Death (Indonesia's struggle for independence era soldiers) led by Mr. Sincere. In one corner of the street, you can find a slate that was made to commemorate the struggle of these forces. In addition to the Ghost Death Force, paramilitary troops who had stationed in the region is Prawirotomo Pvt.No need to worry if you want to start your tour. Some places provide rental services of motorcycles and cars, even the shuttle facilities. If you do not have a travel plan, a number of agents have enough references to interesting places in Yogyakarta. Ranging from cultural attractions such as temples and the palace to adventures such as trekking.

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