Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sonobudoyo Museum

Sonobudoyo Museum, Nusantara Enjoying Keris Collection
Visiting the Museum Sonobudoyo is one alternative if you want to see the diverse collection of keris from all over the archipelago and objects related to it. Museum which stores around 1200 kris's collection (mostly a Java donations Institute) will treat your disappointment, for the sultan's palace-save kris keris until now do not allow visitors to enjoy the collection.
Sonobudoyo Museum within easy reach of the sultan's palace, opposite the North Alun Alun Yogyakarta. To enter, you only have to pay a ticket for USD 3000.00. Meanwhile, to see the diverse collection of keris, the procedure is quite difficult because it must request permission from the head of the museum. That's because a large collection of keris was stored in the collection, has not been shown publicly.
The first thing to be found associated with dagger is wesi Buddhist, is a raw material for making dagger used around the year 700 AD, or the golden age of the Hindu Kingdom of Mataram. Wesi du Buddha can be seen in the middle of the room that holds a collection of Buddhist civilization triumph in Indonesia. Together wesi Buddhist, also stored in a variety of household appliances, weapons and crafts from the same period.
Go deeper in, you can see some of the collection of keris, though in relatively limited quantities. Some of the keris is a dagger mounted straight, keris luk (simply a bulge on the right side and left-dagger) 7, a dagger and the keris luk luk 11 13. Generally, a dagger that is stored in the exhibition space that can be seen from the public is a Javanese kris. Together a collection of keris, it also saved the batik cloth with a variety of motives.
Kris a more complete collection can be found in the collection room, behind the museum library. According to museum officials in YogYES, the collection chamber storing a variety of keris from all over the archipelago, a collection of accessories such as Yogyakarta and Solo pendok and dagger handles. More collections coming from outside Yogyakarta, supposedly because it was forbidden to collect more than a collection of keris Kraton Yogyakarta.
Keris, Javanese keris luk stored in the form of 7, 11, 13 and a straight dagger with a beranekja prestige variety, such as rice wutah (the prestige of unintentional emerging as forging, form a connecting cord), sekar pakis (fern-shaped flowers), etc. . Kris-kris from outside Java stored among other typical rencong Aceh, saber from Kalimantan, kerisses Madura and Bali, as well as the keris from Sulawesi.
In the collection room, you can also see the old dagger handles a variety of interesting design. There is a dagger-shaped stalk a human head, human being, dragons, lions and so forth. There are also a number of pendok a hundred, divided into two styles, namely Yogyakarta and Solo. Unlike dagger handles with various designs, pendok keris has a relatively uniform shape.
Number in the thousands of collections that will make up for the difficulty of reaching this collection room. According to museum officials in YogYES, all in the room keris collection will be on display at the exhibition space that will be made some time to come. Maybe later when visiting, you can already see the entire collection without permission

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