Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beach indrayanti

BEACH IndrayantiClean beaches with Restaurant CafeThe sun had not reached the height when YogYES Indrayanti Coast. Two marine snails move slowly in a rock niche, no matter the waves slammed. A bunch of teenagers chatting and occasionally stylish fun to take pictures. In the west seems 3 people are running around chasing the waves, while others relax in the gazebo while enjoying the fresh young coconut directly served with fruit. Some hotels are drafted back to nature stands proudly at the bottom of the hill, while the stage house and hut-like honai (Papua traditional house) stood near the beach. Yellow jet ski sitting in the corner restaurant.Located on the east Coast Sundak restricted coastal cliff is one of the beaches that serve a different scene than the other beaches in Gunungkidul. Not only is adorned with white sand, coral reefs and clear blue water as calling tourists to throw themselves into it, Indrayanti Beach also features a row of restaurants and cafes and inns that will pamper travelers. Diverse menu ranging from seafood to fried rice to the message in a restaurant overlooking the beach. In the evening, gazebo-gazebo at the beach would look beautiful as flickering lights illuminated. Enjoy dinner at the cafe is accompanied by the strains of the wind and the waves will be an unforgettable romantic experience.The mention of the name of the previous Indrayanti Coast reap much controversy. Indrayanti not the name of the beach, but the name of the cafe and restaurant owners. Since the name is emblazoned on the board Indrayanti cafe and restaurant name beach, eventually people call this beach by beach name Indrayanti. While the government named this beach as the beach Return of Shawwal. But the name Indrayanti much more popular and more commonly known than the Return of Shawwal. Private sector involvement in the management of Coastal Indrayanti apparently helped bring a positive impact. Unlike the other beaches are a bit dirty, along the shoreline Indrayanti look clean and free from litter. This is because the manager did not hesitate to impose a fine of Rp. 10,000 for each waste disposed by tourists in vain. Indrayanti therefore be a comfortable place to visit.After enjoying a plate of fried rice and coconut ice in the gazebo, YogYES moved to the hill on the east side. Since there is no road, through bushes and shrubs while rock climbing was an option. Arriving at the top of the hill with ocean views bebatasan Indian Ocean lay. Some birds fly, carrying reeds to build a nest. Sound waves and the wind combined to create a beautiful and calm orchestra. YogYES also looked to the west. Some beaches are separated by hills seen lined up, gazebo and look small houses on stilts, while people like a little man. When dusk came, this place would be a good spot to watch the sun's return to dusk. Unfortunately YogYES had to hurry home. Despite not having seen a beautiful sunset, beach charm Indrayanti been seared in the liver.

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